Monday, October 19, 2009

Spotlight: Mish McEntire

The Basics

Name: Michele McEntire "Mish"
Nickname(s): Mish, Mishi, Mishelina
Birthday: May 28 Zodiac: Gemini
Birthstone: Emerald
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Hometown: Centerville, Utah
Current Location: Seattle, WA
Occupation: Artist/Office Manager-Shipping & Receiving
Employer: Self-Employed/ University of Washington - Primate Center


First Word(s): Not sure exactly, but more than likely it was "I'm good, how are you?". Mish learned to talk at a very early age. Our Mom used to comment all the time how people used to ask her how she was and would be shocked because she would answer them in a full sentenses and then ask them how they were and that you just didn't anticipate that kind of response from a baby.
First Friend: Tammy & Charmain (nursery)
First Date (Who, Where, When): Age 6, Randy Hull, Had dinner at his parents house. First Job: We all worked for my Dad when we were kids so I guess technically that was the first job we had, but her first real job was at Channel 12 when she was in High School.
First Car: 1975 Green Jeep Cherokee


Color to wear: Black, of course.
Color Schemes/Styles to decorate with: Mexican, Day of Dead
Cuisine/Meal: Thai Food (anywhere)
Sit-Down Restaurant: Stella's (Seattle, WA)
Fast Food Restaurant: Jack-in-the-Box (Seattle, WA) Seattle doesn't really have much fast food (in the city). Your options are McDonalds or Jack-in-the-Box.
Movie: Strange Brew or Dangerous Liaisons
Movie Genre: Comedy/ Romantic Comedy
Book: Bee Season by Myla Goldberg
Author: Shakespeare
Book Genre: Art Books (artist biographies, history)
Store/Website to Shop at for Clothes: Silhouettes
Store/Website to Shop at for Housewares: Target, Amazon
Store/Website to Shop for (Other): Amazon
Vacation you've taken with Family: National Parks/Ruins (We went on a tour of several of the National Parks around Utah, Arizona, Colorado and Montana when we were kids, we saw old Indian ruins and ghost towns, etc. Very cool!)
Vacation you've taken with Friends/Solo: June 1996 Van Couver (while stalking BNL). Mish and her friends used hang around with the guys from the musical group Bare Naked Ladies. This was before they became famous.
Wild Animal: Platypus
Animal (Pet): Kitties
Musical/Play: Sweet Charity
Musical Artist/Band: Flight of Concords
Music Genre: Eclectic (everything except gangster rap and really twangy country)

Tell us...

about your hobbies: Art , make weird things out of bits, 3 dimensional art, paint. Learning different forms of art. Writing, movies and music. Vampires. Collecting halloween-esk chackies(Vampires, skulls, bats and day of the dead).

a most embarrassing moment as a child or an adult: Child - I crawled into retrieve Dad's brand new flashlight from the outhouse at Carl &Janet's cabin. Emerged covered in poop! Both families have never let her forget it...:)


Now you know a little bit more about my sister, for more details, chat her up during your visit to our house this Christmas. Also, view her Amazon wish list for items she'd love to own, this may come in handy if you draw her name for the gift exchange.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I think I'm regretting revealing my most embarrassing moment as child. ;D So when does the next one come out? I'm lovin' this idea! :)

    Off to clean up my Amazon wish list, I haven't looked at it for so long, I have no idea how current some of it is! :)
